Sparrow HealthTech
Revolutionising Mental Health Technology
Turbocharging Feedback-Informed Therapy (FIT) to make a dent in the mental health crisis.
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Feedback-Informed Therapy
Feedback-Informed Therapy (FIT) is proven to improve the effectiveness of mental health treatment. Gaining insight into how the patient is progressing with therapy using post-session reporting is crucial to optimising treatment plans.

Current methods for FIT rely on the psychologist printing out MS Word templates of assessments and worksheets for their patients to fill out after session. This is highly inefficient and does not incorporate the latest advances in technology and data-driven decision support capability.
The Problem
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1 in 5 Aussies suffer from mental illness every year.
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2 out of 3 patients waited 12 weeks+ to get a psych appointment.
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No efficient way to deliver and track action plans for Feedback-Informed Therapy.
The Solution
PsychBase - a base of operations that psychologists can rely on to deliver engaging action plans and track patient progress for data-driven decision support and feedback-informed therapy.

It empowers psychologists to maximise patient outcomes by focusing on improved psychoeducation, treatment and outcome measurement.
Clinical psychologists can onboard their patients onto the PsychBase mobile app and use the web dashboard to assign action plans for their patients to complete after session.

As the patients make progress, relevant psychometric information is automatically collected and sent to the psychologist's web dashboard.
Meet our team
Our startup was incubated and formed as part of Monash University's Fastrack Program with the 2024 cohort.
We're a team of 4 university students hoping to use our passion for technology, design, business and healthcare to make a dent in this mental health crisis.
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Co-founder, Product & Engineering
Linton’s flair for product management and his software engineering skills is proving to be very useful at Sparrow.
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Co-founder, Healthcare & Marketing
Jayan is the team’s marketing genius. His background in healthcare and his business experience is indispensable.
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Co-founder, Design & Accounting
Nithika fills our nascent startup’s need for accounting expertise. His design and frontend skills are critical for Sparrow.
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UI/UX Designer
Celine is the mastermind behind all the seamless user experiences you love. She's a wizard at making things intuitive.
© 2024 Sparrow HealthTech
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